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1. Barnes P.J. Anti-inflammatory actions of glucocorticoids : molecular mechanisms. // Clin Sci. - 1998. - Vol. 94. - P. 557-572.

2. Buttgereit F., Burmester G.R., Lipworth B.J. Optimised glucocorticoid therapy: the sharpening of an old spear. // Lancet. - 2005. - Vol. 365. - P. 801-803.

3. Buttgereit F., da Silva J.A.P., Boers M. et al. Standardised nomenclature for glucocorticoid dosages and glucocorticoid treatment regimens: current questions and tentative answers in rheumatology. // Ann Rheum Dis. - 2002. - Vol. 61. - P. 718-722.

4. Buttgereit F., Wehling M., Burmester G.R. Glucocorticoids in the treatment of rheumatic diseases: an update on the mechanisms of action. // Arthritis Rheum. - 2004. - Vol. 50. - P. 3408-3417.

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