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Список литературы

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8. Богомолов П.О., Ивашкин В.Т., Буеверов А.О. с соавт. Эффективность и безопасность булевиртида в лечении хронического гепатита D - результаты рандомизированных контролируемых исследований. Инфекционные болезни, 2020, 18: 153-62.

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28. Gilman C, Heller T, Koh C. Chronic hepatitis delta: A state-of-the-art review and new therapies. World J Gastroenterol, 2019, 25: 4567-795.

29. Asselah T., Loureiro D., Tout I. et al. Future treatments for hepatitis delta virus infection. Liver Int, 2020, 40, suppl 1: 54-60.

30. Bogomolov P., Alexandrov A., Voronkova N. et al. Treatment of chronic hepatitis D with the entry inhibitor myrcludex B: First results of a phase Ib/IIa study. J Hepatol, 2016, 65: 490-8.

31. Wedemeyer H., Bogomolov P., Blank A. et. al. Final results of a multicenter open-label phase 2b clinical trial to assess safety and efficacy of Myrcludex B in combination with tenofovir in patients with chronic HBV/HDV infection. J Hepatol, 2018, 68: S3 (GS-005).

32. Wedemeyer H. et al. Clinical study report. A multicenter, open-label, randomized clinical study to assess efficacy and safety of 3 doses of Myrcludex B for 24 weeks in combination with Tenofovir compared to Tenofovir alone to suppress HBV replication in patients with chronic hepatitis D. Final version 1.0, 10.09.2019 г., 145 p.

33. Wedemeyer H., Schoneweis K., Bogomolov P. et al. Final results of a multicenter, openlabel phase 2 clinical trial (MYR203) to assess safety and efficacy of myrcludex B in combination with PEG-interferon Alpha 2a in patients with chronic HBV/HDV co-infection. J Hepatol, 2019, 70: e81.

34. Bogomolov P.O. et al. Clinical study report, groups A-D. A multicentre, open-label, randomized, comparative, parallel-arm phase II study to assess efficacy and safety of Myrcludex B in combination with peginterferon alfa-2a versus peginterferon alfa-2a alone in patients with chronic viral hepatitis B with delta-agent. Final version 1.0, 11.09.2019 г., 141 p.

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