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Список литературы

  1. Детская нефрология: практическое руководство / под ред. Э. Лоймана, А. Н. Цыгина, А. А. Саркисяна. М.: Литтерра, 2010. 400 с.
  2. CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE from American Academy of pediatrics.Urinary Tract Infection: Clinical Practice Guideline forthe Diagnosis and Management of the Initial UTI in Febrile Infants and Children 2 to 24 Months. Pediatrics, 2011, v 128, N3, p. 593-610
  3. R. Stein, H. S. Dogan, P. Hoebeke, R Kocvaraet al. Urinary Tract Infections in Children: EAU/ESPU Guidelines. European urology, 2015, v 67, p. 546–558
  4. Ammenti A, Cataldi L, Chimenz R, et al. Febrile urinary tract infections in young children: recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Acta Paediatr, 2012, v. 10, p.451–457.
  5. Whiting P, Westwood M, Watt I, Cooper J, Kleijnen J. Rapid tests and urine sampling techniques for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) in children under five years: A systematic review. BMC Pediatr, 2005, v. 5(1): 4.
  6. DeMuri G. P., Wald E.R. Imaging and antimicrobial prophylaxis following the diagnosis of urinary tract infection in children. Pediatr. Inf. Dis. J. 2008; 27(6): 553-554.
  7. Hodson EM, Willis NS, Craig JC. Antibiotics for acute pyelonephritis in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007(4):CD003772.
  8. Hewitt I.K. et al. Early treatment of acute pyelonephritis in children fails to reduce renal scarring: data from the Italian Renal Infection Study trials. Pediatrics 2008; 122: 486.
  9. Toffolo A, Ammenti A, Montini G. Long-term clinical consequences of urinary tract infections during childhood: A review. Acta Pædiatr 2012, v.101, p.1018-31.

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