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Электронная медицинская библиотека

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Список литературы:

1. Dillane D., Finucane B. T. Local Anesthetic systemic toxicity // Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. – 2010. – 57: 368-80.

2. Neal J.M., Bernards C.M., Butterworth J.F., et al.: ASRA practice advisory on local anesthetic systemic toxicity // Regional Anesth. Pain Med. – 2010. – 35(2): 152-61.

3. Neal J.N., Mulroy M.F., Weinberg G.L. American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Checklist for treatment of Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity: 2012 Version // Reg Anesth Pain Med. – 2012. – 37(1): 16-8.

4. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland. Guidelines for the Management of Severe Local Anaesthetic Toxicity. Available at: http://aagbi.org/ sites/default/files/la_toxicity_2010_0.pdf

5. Mellin-Olsen J., Staender S., Whitaker D.K., Smith A.F. The Helsinki Declaration on Patient Safety in Anaesthesiology // Eur J Anaesthesiol. – 2010. – 27(7): 592-97.

6. Международная классификация болезней, травм и состояний, влияющих на здоровье 10-го пересмотра (МКБ-10) (Всемирная Организация Здравоохранения, 1994). Availableat: http://www.mkb10.ru/

7. Номенклатура медицинских услуг (Министерство здравоохранения и социального развития Российской Федерации, 2011 г.). Available at: https:// www.rosminzdrav.ru/documents/6975-prikaz-minzdravsotsrazvitiya-rossii-


8. Di Gregorio G., Neal J.M., Rosenquist R.W., Weinberg G.L. Clinical presentation of local anesthetic systemic toxicity: a review of published cases, 1979 to 2009 // Reg. Anesth. Pain. Med. – 2010. – 35(2):.181-87.

9. Ruan W., French D., Wong A., Drasner K., Wu A.H.B. A mixed (long and medium chain) triglyceride lipid emulsion extracts local anesthetic from human serum in vitro more effectively than a long chain emulsion // Anesthesiology. – 2012. – 116 (2): 334 339.

10. Weinberg G.L. Lipid emulsion infusion: resuscitation for local anesthetic and other drug overdose // Anesthesiology. – 2012. – 117(1): 180-87.

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