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Список литературы:

1. McQuaid E., Leffert, L. R., Bateman B.T. The Role of the Anesthesiologist in Preventing Severe Maternal Morbidity and Mortality // Clin Obstet Gynecol. – 2018; Jan 9.

2. Neuhaus S., Neuhaus C., Fluhr H., Hofer S., Schreckenberger R., et al. «Why mothers die» Learning from the analysis of anaesthesia-related maternal deaths (1985-2013) // Anaesthesist. – 2016. – Apr; 65(4): P.94-281.

3. Abir G., Mhyre J. Maternal mortality and the role of the obstetric anesthesiologist. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol. – 2017. – Mar; 31(1): P.91-105.

4. Hawkins J.L., Chang J., Palmer S.K., Gibbs C.P., Callaghan W.M. Anesthesiarelated maternal mortality in the United States: 1979-2002 // Obstet Gynecol. – 2011. – Jan; 117(1): P.69-74.

5. Maronge L., Bogod D. Complications in obstetric anaesthesia // Anaesthesia. – 2018. – Jan; 73 Suppl 1: P.61-66.

6. Chestnut”s Obstetric anesthesia: principles and practice / David H. Chestnut et al.-5th ed. // Elsevier Science. – 2014. –1304 p.

7. Chassed D. Maternal deaths due to anesthesia complications. Results from the French confidential enquiry into maternal deaths, 2010-2012 // Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. – 2017. – Dec; 45(12S): P.54-57.

8. Afolabi B.B., Lesi F.E. Regional versus general anaesthesia for caesarean section // Cochrane Database Syst Rev. – 2012. – Oct 17; 10: CD004350.

9. Sobhy S., Zamora J., Dharmarajah K., Arroyo-Manzano D., Wilson M., et al. Anaesthesia-related maternal mortality in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis // Lancet Glob Health. – 2016. – May; 4(5): P.7-320.

10. Shnider and Levinson’s anesthesia for obstetrics. – 5th ed. / editor, M. Suresh [et al.]./ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. – 2013. – 861p.

11. Oxford Textbook of Obstetric Anaesthesia / Edit.by V. Clark, M. Van de Velde,

R. Fernando. – Oxford University Press. – 2016. – 987p.

12. Ouzounian J.G., Elkayam U. Physiologic changes during normal pregnancy and delivery // Cardiol Clin. – 2012. – Aug; 30(3): P.29-317.

13. Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation Treatment Options and Risk Assessment Third Edition. / Ed. by Ch. Schaefer, P. Peters, and R.K. Miller-Academic. – Press is an imprint of Elsevier. – 2015. – 892 p.

14. ASA physical status classification system Last approved by the ASA House of Delegates on October 15, 2014.

15. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Classification of urgency of caesarean section – a continuum of risk Good Practice. – No. 11 April. – 2010.

16. Soltanifar S., Russell R. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for caesarean section, 2011 update: implications for the anaesthetist // Int J ObstetAnesth. – 2012. – Jul; 21(3): P.72-264.

17. Mellin-Olsen J., Staender S., Whitaker D.K., Smith A.F. The Helsinki Declaration on Patient Safety in Anaesthesiology // Eur J Anaesthesiol. – 2010. – Jul; 27(7): P.7-592.

18. Practice Advisory for the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Management of Infectious Complications Associated with Neuraxial Techniques: An Updated Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Infectious Complications Associated with Neuraxial Techniques and the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine // Anesthesiology. – 2017. – Apr; 126(4): P.585-601.

19. Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI), Hartle A., Anderson E., Bythell V., Gemmell L., Jones H., McIvor D., Pattinson A., Sim P., Walker I. / Checking anaesthetic equipment 2012: association of anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland // Anaesthesia. – 2012. – Jun; 67(6): P.8-660.

20. WHO Surgical Safety Checklist for maternity December 2010.

21. Mackeen A.D., Packard R.E., Ota E., Berghella V., Baxter J.K. Timing of intravenous prophylactic antibiotics for preventing postpartum infectious morbidity in women undergoing cesarean delivery // Cochrane Database Syst Rev. – 2014. – Dec 5; (12): CD009516.

22. Van Schalkwyk J., Van Eyk N. / No. 247 / Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Obstetric Procedures // J Obstet Gynaecol Can. – 2017. – Sep; 39(9): P.293-299.

23. Sway A., Solomkin J.S., Pittet D., Kilpatrick C. Methodology and Background for the World Health Organization Global Guidelines on the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection // Surg Infect (Larchmt). – 2018. – Jan; 19(1): P.33-39.

24. Kawakita T., Landy H.J. Surgical site infections after cesarean delivery: epidemiology, prevention and treatment // Matern Health Neonatol Perinatol. – 2017. – Jul 5; P.3:12.

25. Септические осложнения в акушерстве. Клинические рекомендации (протокол), утв. Министерством здравоохранения Российской Федерации 06 февраля 2017. №15-4/10/2-728. – Москва, 2017. – 59 с.

26. Кесарево сечение. Показания, методы обезболивания, хирургическая техника, антибиотикопрофилактика, ведение послеоперационного периода. Клинические рекомендации, утвержденные Министерством здравоохранения Российской Федерации 06 мая 2014. №15-4\10\2-3190. – Москва, 2014. – 44 с.

27. Horlocker T.T., Wedel D.J., Rowlingson J.C., Enneking F.K., Kopp S.L., et al. Regional anesthesia in the patient receiving antithrombotic or thrombolytic therapy: American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine EvidenceBased Guidelines (Third Edition) // RegAnesth Pain Med. – 2010. – Jan-Feb; 35(1): P.64-101.

28. Douketis J.D., Spyropoulos A.C., Spencer F.A., Mayr M., Jaffer A.K., et al. Perioperative management of antithrombotic therapy: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians EvidenceBased Clinical Practice Guidelines // Chest. – 2012. – Feb; 141(2 Suppl): P.326-350.

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