только для медицинских специалистов

Консультант врача

Электронная медицинская библиотека

Раздел 51 / 99
Страница 1 / 2


I. Which of the following substances can split the fibrin molecule in the process of fibrinolysis?

1. Plasminogen.

2. Plasmin.

3. Antiplasmin.

4. Heparin-like molecule.

5. Antithrombin III.

6. Protein C.

II. Which of the following coagulation factors are reduced or absent in hemophilia A?

1. Factor I.

2. Factor III.

3. Factor VIII.

4. Factor X.

5. Factor XII.

III. Thrombocytopenia may be observed in the following conditions:

1. Acute leukemia.

2. Splenomegaly.

3. Folate or the vitamin B12 deficiency.

4. Glanzmann's disease.

5. Scurvy.

6. Congestive heart failure.

7. Transfusion reactions.

IV. The vitamin K deficiency results in the insufficiency of the following coagulation factors:

1. Prothrombin (II).

2. Factor V.

3. Factor VII.

4. Factor IX.

5. Factor XII.

6. Factor X.

V. Platelets adhesion to collagen and other molecules of the extracellular matrix is mediated by the following receptors:

1. Ia/IIb.

2. IIb/IIIa.

3. Ia/IX.

VI. Which of the following factors induce platelet aggregation?

1. Thromboxane A2.

2. NO.

3. ADP.

4. ATP.

5. Prostacycline I2.

6. Epinephrine.

VII. Which of the following hereditary disorders inducing a hypercoagulable state is the most common?

1. Mutations in factor V.

2. Inherent lack of the antithrombin III.

3. Inherent lack of the protein C.

4. Inherent lack of the protein S.

VIII. Choose the causes of nonthrombocytopenic purpuras:

1. Meningococcemia.

2. Severe measles.

3. Scurvey.

4. Leukemia.

5. Cushing's syndrome.

6. Posttransfusion reaction.

7. Hypersplenism.

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