только для медицинских специалистов

Консультант врача

Электронная медицинская библиотека

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Questions to prepare for classes and examination

•  Typical forms of functional pathology of the digestive tract: general etiology and mechanisms.

•  Disorders of appetite, taste, and initial treatment of food in the oral cavity.

•  Disorders of swallowing: dysphagia, achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm.

•  Disorders of digestion in the stomach: disturbance of secretory and motor function. Dumping syndrome.

•  Disorders of digestion in the intestine: disturbance of secretion, motor function, and absorption.

•  The syndrome of malabsorption: etiopathogenesis, manifestations and consequences.

•  Pathogenesis of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

•  Disorders of excretory function of the pancreas.

N 112

A 43-year-old patient N. suffers from severe chronic gastritis and enteritis. He has come to see his physician with complaints of recurrent diarrhea, progressive malaise, weakness, wasting, and generalized edema. The examination reveals the following: hypochromatic anemia, signs of multiple vitamin deficiencies, adrenal insufficiency, and immunodeficiency state. Stool test findings: the presence of undigested muscle fibers (creatorrhea), steatorrhea, and amylorrhea. The results of suction biopsy of the small intestine are as follows: reduced activity of the intralumenal and brush border fractions of digestive enzymes, atrophy of the enterocytes' microvilli.


•  Define the syndrome developed in the patient. Substantiate your answer.

•  What are the possible causes and pathogenesis of this syndrome?

•  What disturbancies of digestion can be found in this patient?

•  Describe pathogenesis of each of the symptoms found in patient N.

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