Таблица 22. Женские половые органы
Рис. 423. Строение и происхождение женской половой системы (схема):
1 - Bulb of vestibule; 2 - Crus of clitoris; 3 - Vagina; 4 - Round ligament of uterus; 5 - Ligament of ovary; 6 - Ovary; 7 - Vesicular appendices; 8 - Infundibulum; 9 - Epoophoron; 10 - Uterine tube; 11 - Paroophoron; 12 - Epoophoron, longitudinal duct, transverse ductules; 13 - Kidney; 14 - Renal pelvis; 15 - Ureter; 16 - Uterus; 17 - Urinary bladder; 18 - Median umbilical ligament; 19 - Female urethra; 20 - Glans of clitoris; 21 - External urethral orifice; 22 - Vaginal orifice; 23 - Greater vestibular gland
Рис. 424. Женская половая система, сагиттальный распил, вид слева:
1 - Bulb of vestibule; 2 - Labium minus; 3 - Labium majus; 4 - Corpus cavernosum of clitoris; 5 - Fascia of clitoris; 6 - Clitoris; 7 - Crus of clitoris; 8 - Dorsal artery and vein of clitoris; 9 - Suspensory ligament of clitoris; 10 - Pubis; 11 - Urinary bladder; 12 - Transverse vesical fold; 13 - Round ligament ofuterus; 14 - Uterus; 15 - Right uterine tube; 16 - Ovary; 17 - Right external iliac vein; 18 - Right external iliac artery; 19 - Ovarian plexus; 20 - Promontory; 21 - Right ureter; 22 - Left uterine tube; 23 - Ligament of ovary; 24 - Rectum; 25 - Broad ligament of uterus; 26 - Parametrium; 27 - Recto-uterine fold; 28 - Recto-uterine pouch; 29 - Vesico-uterine pouch; 30 - Left ureter; 31 - Uterine artery; 32 - Pelvic diaphragm; Pelvic floor; 33 - Peritoneum; 34 - External anal sphincter; 35 - Anorectal flexure; Perineal
flexure; 36 - Vagina; 37 - Greater vestibular gland
Рис. 425. Женские половые органы, сагиттальный распил (фотография натурального препарата):
1 - Labium majus; 2 - Clitoris; 3 - Labium minus; 4 - Anus; 5 - Internal anal sphincter; 6 - Female urethra; 7 - Vagina; 8 - Rectum; 9 - Vesico-uterine pouch; 10 - Pubic symphysis; 11 - Uterus; 12 - Broad ligament of uterus; 13 - Obturator artery; 14 - Obturator nerve;