Fig. 33. ABO blood grouping.
Fig. 34. Blood grouping using monoclonal antibodies.
Fig. 37. Assessing the suitability of blood for transfusion: 1 - blood suitable for transfusion; 2 - blood unsuitable for assessment (because of blood being suspended) 3 - absence of labelling; 4 - the vial is not closed airtight; 5 - the presence of blood clots; 6 - haemolysis; 7 - contaminated blood (turbid appearance, absence of layers); 8 - contaminated blood (plasma sediments and film).
Fig. 38. ABO blood compatibility test: a - blood is compatible; b - blood is incompatible.
Fig. 39. Rhesus factor compat.
a - blood is compatible; b - blood is incompatible.
Fig. 78. Primary surgical debridement of a scalp wound (stages).
Fig. 79. Gas gangrene.
a - fulminant course of gas gangrene of the left lower limb, perineum and abdomen resulting from blind fragmentation effect on the femoral soft tissues; b - X-ray evidence of gas accumulation in the soft tissues.
Fig. 80. Tetanus: a - risus sardonicus; b - obstetricians' hand (From Zatouroff M.A. Colour Atlas Of Physical Signs In General Medicine. - London, 1976).
Fig. 83. Frostbite of hands: a - degree 2 or 3; b - degree 4 of the right hand (dry gangrene of the fingers) and left foream.
Fig. 84. Phlegmon at the site of the postoperative scar on the anterior abdominal wall.
Fig. 85. Upper lip furuncle (boil).
Fig. 88. Axillary hidradenitis.
Fig. 89. Reticular lymphadenitis of the forearm.
Fig. 90. Acute suppurative mastitis.
Fig. 96. Suppurative hand infections: a - paronychia; b - pandactylitis of the thumb.
Fig. 103. Femoral scintigram demonstrating the uptake of radionuclide in the left femoral artery.
Fig. 105. Surgery for chronic femoral osteomyelitis: a - bone cavity after necrectomy; b - bone cavity ultrasound cavitation; c - bone cavity filled with antiseptic collagen sponge; d - vacuum drainage of the wound using micro-irrigators.