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Chapter 8. Basic achievements and perspectives of sociology of medicine

8.1. Sociology of medicine and the development of healthcare system

Even a brief view on the development of sociology of medicine shows a spectacular growth of its influence in Russia and other countries. Expansion of the field of scientific research transformed sociology of medicine into one of the most pronounced scientific discipline in the West with increasing popularity in Russia as well.

Starting from the 2000s, sociology of medicine is booming in Western countries. Expansion of the field of medico-sociological studies in the USA was so pronounced that now sociology of medicine presents one of the largest divisions of the American Sociological Association. Moreover, the vivid interest in sociology of medicine is also displayed by sociologists who examined the problems of psychic health, sex, and social psychology.

By development of sociology of medicine, the sociologists more and more frequently were engaged in consulting firms, Government, Funds, and the industrial enterprises dealing with healthcare, medicine, and pharmaceutics. They participated in planning the development of healthcare system and in the elaboration of policy in public health. The facets of medical service are persistently changing providing the possibilities for innovations with assessment of their efficiency and impact on public health. The sociologists of medicine are invited to participate in the development and spread of innovations in the field of medical treatment and services; they participate in developing the modernization programs and in assessment of the consequences of these programs.

While the medical service had been assessed in the past only from the viewpoint of medical professionals, who did not take into consideration the patients' opinions, now the assessment of effectiveness of the medical system changed radically. One of the key indices of the quality of medical service examined by sociologists is patient's satisfaction with the overall work of medical facilities. Now the patients assess the work of physicians not only according to the costs for medical services, but also according to the quality of consumed medical aid. For instance, the routine hospital inspection effected in the USA by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations includes the obligatory polling of the patients. Similarly, when accrediting the medical facilities, the National Committee for Quality Assurance considers the reports on satisfaction of

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