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Консультант врача

Электронная медицинская библиотека

Раздел 40 / 94
Страница 1 / 2


I. Which of the following changes may be induced by secondary pyrogens in neurons of the hypothalamus?

1. Increased production of IL-1.

2. Accumulation of lipopolysaccharides.

3. Increased production of PG E2.

4. Increased production of cAMP.

5. Increased production of NO.

II. The first stage of fever can be characterized by the following changes in heat production and heat dissipation:

1. Increased heat production and a decreased heat dissipation.

2. Decreased heat dissipation and decreased heat production.

3. Increased heat production and increased heat dissipation.

4. Decreased heat production and a normal heat dissipation.

5. Increased heat production and a normal heat dissipation.

III. Which of the following statements are correct?

1. Increase of body temperature always means the presence of fever.

2. Fever is characterized by an elevation of body temperature as well as the presence of signs of intoxication.

3. Fever is a reaction of mammals to pyrogens.

4. Fever can have pathogenic as well as adaptive significance.

IV. Which of the following substances are secondary pyrogens?

1. Prostaglandin E2.

2. Interleukine-1.

3. Tumor necrosis factor.

4. Lipopolysaccharides.

5. Interleukine-6.

6. Kinins.

7. Interleukine-2.

8. Interferon-α.

V. Choose the cells which secrete secondary pyrogens.

1. Platelets.

2. Monocytes.

3. Tissue macrophages.

4. Red blood cells.

5. Lymphocytes.

6. Granulocytes.

VI. Which of the following substances exerts the most powerful pyrogenic


1. Mucopolysaccharides.

2. Allogenic proteins.

3. Lipopolysaccharides.

4. Phospholipides.

5. Lipoproteins.

VII. Rapid rising of body temperature in fever is accompanied by the following signs:

1. Redness of skin and chill.

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