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Электронная медицинская библиотека

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5.1. Introduction.

5.2. Life safety as the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

5.3. Education about safety and healthy lifestyle.

5.3.1. The role of the family.

5.3.2. Role and impact of the social environment.

5.4. Environmental factors affecting human health adversely.

5.1. Introduction

A healthy lifestyle can be defined as human activity in specific socio-economic, political, economic and other conditions aimed at preservation, improvement and promotion of health. This concept includes, on the one hand, development of positive human behavior, on the other hand, overcoming of risk factors for health.

Ensuring safety of each person and educating them in the field of life and safety are one of the main components in the individual system of healthy lifestyle. It can be argued that a healthy lifestyle is a consistent, logically interrelated system of human behavior, which promotes personal safety and well-being.

5.2. Life safety as the foundation of a healthy lifestyle

At all times accompanied by danger, man was forced to fight for his existence against dangerous environmental factors, natural disasters, diseases, epidemics, etc.

An analysis of the causes of tragic consequences of various emergency situations shows that in more than 80% of cases the cause of death is «the human factor». A tragedy occurs most often because of ignorance and non-compliance with requirements and rules of safe behavior, neglect of the rules of personal hygiene and the norms of a healthy lifestyle, due to the low level of general culture and illiteracy in the issues of safety. Besides, it was noted that

most disasters are man-made, and the main causes include sloppiness, carelessness and indifference.

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