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6.1. Introduction

6.2. Framework arrangements for and goals of civil defense

6.3. Basic principles and methods of protection of the population in emergency

6.4. Organization of evacuation of population from danger area

6.5. Collective protection equipment

6.6. Personal protection equipment

6.7. Medical protective equipment

6.1. Introduction

Protection of population in emergency situations of peace and war time is the most important task for the Russian Unified Emergency Rescue Service, governmental and local authority of all levels, heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations. The leading role in addressing this problem is going to be given to the Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergency Management and Natural Disaster Response.

The need for measures of public protection is relevant due to the increasing number of technogenic accidents and disasters, expanding of areas of natural calamities, and also due to the risk of military threats and terrorism, and spread of mass annihilation weapons. Russia, with its peculiar territorial, natural and technological arrangements, is experiencing exacerbation of these problems. The main objectives of public protection are stated in the Federal Law of the year 1994 On Protection of Population and Land from Environmental and Man-made Emergencies. According to this piece of legislation, citizens have the right for:

► protection of life and health, protection of personal belongings;

► use of collective and individual protection equipment;

► information about possible risk and safety measures in emergencies.

They are to observe the rules of safety, not to violate workplace and technological discipline, comply with requirements for environmental safety; they are to know the means of protection and rendering first aid, operating collective and individual protection equipment, take active part in events for public protection in case of emergencies.

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