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Lesson 11

Dentistry Today. The College of Dentistry of New York University. Grammar: Revision. English Tenses (Active and Passive). Participles (Revision)

Exercise 1. Find the pronunciation of the following words in the dictionary and translate them into Russian.

abnormality, estimate, adults, vital, community, biochemistry, gradually, prosthodontics, manufacture, orthodontics, conservation, preventive, fluoride, resin, porcelain, anesthetic, amalgam, purity

Exercise 2. Active vocabulary. Learn the following words.

dentistry - стоматология

tooth decay (caries) - кариес

to diagnose - ставить диагноз

to prevent - предотвращать

to estimate - оценивать

dentures (false teeth) - искусственные зубы

to perform - выполнять, проводить (операцию)

prosthodontics - протезирование

orthodontics - ортодонтия

conservation (fillings) - консервативное лечение (пломбирование)

oral surgery - хирургическая стоматология

to provide - обеспечивать

to involve - включать в себя, вовлекать

to carry out - выполнять, проводить

Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations into Russian before reading the text.

a branch of medicine; one person in three; to undergo general medical training; a health problem; missing teeth; a highly-trained person; the

health of the community; the chemical reactions in the body; straightening teeth; operations on the teeth; gums, jaws and other nearby parts; the structure of the mouth and teeth

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following text into Russian.


Dentistry is the branch of medicine concerned with diagnosing, preventing, and treating diseases and abnormalities of the teeth and gums. Tooth decay and gum diseases are a health problem made worse by the kinds of food we eat. It is estimated that in the United States alone, 29 million people have no teeth of their own. One person in 3 over the age of 35 needs dentures (false teeth), while half the adults over 40 have some teeth missing because of gum disease.

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