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Электронная медицинская библиотека

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3.1. Introduction

3.2. Types and classification of emergencies

3.3. Emergency and its impact on public health and environment

3.3.1. Natural calamities and disasters

3.3.2. Man-made disasters and accidents

3.4. Brief description of affecting factors in an emergency

3.5. Basic safety measures in emergency situations

3.1. Introduction

The growing scale of technogenic activity in modern society, increasing complexity of technological processes using significant amounts of explosive, inflammable, radiation and chemically hazardous substances, increasing frequency and extent of destructive natural forces, as well as local accidents - all these factors exacerbate the problems related to safety of population, preservation of economic potential and protectionof the environment in terms of emergencies.

There is a stable global tendency for annual growth of the number of accident victims by 8-9%, and of financial losses by 10% as a result of emergencies. Scientists predict that global losses from natural disasters may be worth about 150 billion dollars.

In this country, the risk of being injured or killed is higher than in the developed world. In Russia, the number of deaths increases annually by an average of 4%, financial losses increase by an average of 10%, ranging from 1.5 to 4 billion rubles.

In this connection, protection of the population and territories from all sorts of damaging factors of emergencies in peacetime and wartime is a national priority.

3.2. Types and classification of emergencies

Emergency situation is a situation in a particular area which has developed as a result of accidents, calamities, natural or other disasters, which can cause loss of life, damage to human health and the environment, considerable financial losses and disrupted living conditions.

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