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Электронная медицинская библиотека

Раздел 8 / 11
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Instruction: Each of the numbered items or incomplete statements is followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the one lettered answer or completion that is best in each case.

1. While performing their professional duties medical workers may be exposed to harmful effect of the following factors:

A) physical, chemical, biological, psychophysiological;

B) physiological, biochemical, anthropological;

C) physical, radiative, chemical, dynamic;

D) psycho-physiological, social, natural, anthropogenic.

2. The system of controls designed to manage safety of life on the workplace is called:

A) system of occupational health and safety;

B) security system of workers;

C) rules of labor protection;

D) on-the-job discipline.

3. Healtcare providers must take preventive medical checkups:

A) primary and periodic;

B) primary and secondary;

C) scheduled and emergency;

D) general and special.

4. The suitability of the employee to a particular job and identification of somatic and mental illnesses is carried out in the following medical examination:

A) primary;

B) routine;

C) scheduled;

D) periodic.

5. Dynamic observation of workers' health, identification and prevention of occupational diseases is carried out in the following medical examination:

A) periodic;

B) primary;

C) scheduled;

D) routine.

6. State enforcement of legislation on occupational health and safety at healthcare facilities is performed by

A) The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

B) The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

C) Heads of healthcare facilities;

D) Ministry of Emergency Situations.

7. In order to maintain the safety of patients at health care facilities it is necessary to

A) keep health care providers' hands clean;

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