только для медицинских специалистов

Консультант врача

Электронная медицинская библиотека

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I. Nosology includes the following parts:

1. Studies of typical forms of pathology of specific organs and organ systems.

2. General pathogenesis.

3. Studies of typical changes in the structure of organs and tissues under pathological conditions.

4. Study of disease.

5. General etiology.

6. Studies of typical pathological processes.

II. What is etiology?

1. A study of causes of diseases and conditions facilitating the development of diseases.

2. A study of causes of diseases.

3. A study of conditions facilitating the development of diseases.

4. A study of pathological reaction

III. Typical pathological processes include the following:

1. Hypoxia.

2. Inflammation.

3. Atherosclerosis.

4. Tumor growth.

5. Gastric or duodenal ulcer.

6. Ischemia.

IV. The specificity of disease is primarily determined by:

1. A cause of disease.

2. Conditions promoting its development.

3. Changes in reactivity of the body.

4. Immune status

5. Environmental temperature

V. The «congenital hip dislocation» represents the following category of pathology:

1. Disease.

2. Pathological process.

3. Pathological state.

4. Pathological reaction.

5. Condition

VI. Pathological reactions include the following:

1. Allergy.

2. Hypoxia.

3. Trauma.

4. A thermal burn.

5. Tumor.

6. Pathological reflex.

VII. Characteristics of pathological reaction are the following:

1. May develop under the effect of conventional stimulus.

2. Develops only under the effect of extreme stimulus.

3. It is a biologically inadequate response of the body.

4. It is a specific form of adaptation to environmental stimuli.

5. It is always accompanied by tissue injury.

VIII. A disease is as the result of (choose the most appropriate statement):

1. The effect of pathogenic factor on the body.

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