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Консультант врача

Электронная медицинская библиотека

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In the system of medical rehabilitation, a special place is assigned to the follow-up - permanent medical supervision over the patients doing physical activities in the course of treatment, rehabilitation, and health promotion.

Follow-up in the medical rehabilitation, apart from the assessment of health status, physical development, and functional status, includes supervision and studying the influence of physical load on the organism of patients, prevention of possible negative impacts of physical activity if used unreasonably.

The main objective of follow-up in medical rehabilitation - assistance to the most efficient use of physical loads to attain the maximum treatment and rehabilitation and health-promoting outcome.

Tasks of follow-up in the course of medical rehabilitation:

• assessment of a morphofunctional defect and intensity of incapacitating factors;

• refinement of the patient's rehabilitation potentials;

• determination of indications and contraindications to physical loads and other sanatory factors;

• elaboration of individual treatment and rehabilitation programs considering not only the disease entity but also the functional state and adaptation reserves of the body;

• prognosis of a likelihood for the progression of inadequate reactions to curative measures;

• stratification of patients by the degree of risk of emergence of adverse events while performing physical loads and others rehabilitation events;

• recommendations on optimization of the rehabilitation program;

• correction of the scope and intensity of a physical load based on the results of staged tests;

• assessment of the efficiency of rehabilitation and sanitary events;

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