Lesson 9. The Superior Maxillary Bones. Grammar: Participles
Exercise 1. Find the pronunciation of the following words in the dictionary and translate them.
the canine fossa, the orbit, a depression, internal, external, the first bicuspid teeth, tuberosity, to perforate, to occupy, a pyramid
Exercise 2. Active vocabulary. Learn the following words.
boundary - граница
fissure - щель, фиссура
something like - подобно
the floor of the orbit - основание глазницы
the nares - носовая полость
to bound - ограничивать
to develop - развивать (ся)
to enter into the formation - принимать участие в формировании
to extend - простираться
to protrude - выступать, выдаваться вперед
Exercise 3. Study the picture.
Exercise 4. Read and translate into Russian the following text.
The bones of the face consisting of the mandible and the superior maxillary bones form much of the anterior portion of the face. The superior maxillary bones are closely knit together except the mandible which is movable. The superior maxillary bones, being knit together on the median line of the face, are two in number and of a very irregular form.
They occupy the anterior upper part of the face and consist of a body and processes. There are 4 processes which extend out from the body of the maxillae, namely the frontal process, the zygomatic process the alveolar process and the palatine process.
The alveolar processes of the right and left maxillae form an arch-like shape of bone that surrounds the roots of the maxillary dental arch of teeth. The roots of the teeth are embedded in individual alveoli (tooth sockets). The shape of each alveolus naturally corresponds closely with the shape of the roots of the tooth it surrounds. Being the largest bones of the face except the mandible, the maxillary bones enter into the formation of three cavities, namely: the orbit, the mouth and the nares.