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1. Repeat after the teacher.



Present Simple - простое настоящее время, обозначающее действие в самом широком смысле этого слова. Образование

The Present Simple

The Present Simple

Утвердительная форма


Подлежащее + сказуемое + вто-

I / We / You / They + do

ростепенные члены предложения

not (don't) + V

I, you, we, they + do

She / He / It + does not

He, she, it (для неодушевленных

(doesn't) + V

предметов) + does

I don't go to school every

I / We / You / They + V

day. - Я не хожу в школу

I go to work every day. - Я хожу на

каждый день.

работу каждый день.

They don't drink milk. - Они

They usually play tennis every week-

не пьют молоко.

end. - Они обычно играют в теннис

She doesn't like the weather

каждые выходные.

in London. - Ей не нравится

She / He / It + V + -s(-es).

погода в Лондоне.

She brings me coffee every morn-

He doesn't drive the car. - Он

ing. - Она приносит мне кофе каж-

не водит машину.

дое утро.

The Present Simple

It snows in winter. - Зимой идет



Do I / We / You / They + V

ВАЖНО: в третьем лице един-

Does She/He/It + does not

ственного числа (he / she / it) - к

(doesn't) + V

глаголу прибавляется окончание -s:

Do you like pizza? - Тебе

I ride. - She rides.

нравится пицца?

I dream. - He dreams.

Do they play football? - Они

Если глагол оканчивается на -s, -ss,

играют в футбол?

-sh, -ch, -x, -o, то к нему прибавля-

Does she learn Russian? - Она

ется окончание -es.

изучает русский язык?

I wish. - She wishes. I teach. - She

Does he live in Spain? - Он


живет в Испании?

Если глагол оканчивается на -y, а

ему предшествует согласная, то к

нему прибавляется окончание -es,

но -y заменяется на -i.

I try. - She tries.

I fly. - He flies.

Если глагол оканчивается на -y, а

ему предшествует гласная, то к нему

также прибавляется окончание -es,

но -y не меняется.

I play. - She plays.

I stay. - He stays


Study grammar and do the following exercises 6.1. Open the brackets and put the right form of the verb.

On a daily basis (ежедневно), an American (to wake up) at 5 am for jogging, then (to come) back home and (to rush) (мчаться) to the bathroom to take a shower. As the working day (to start) at 8 am or 8.30, he / she (to get) a quick breakfast meal and gets dressed fast. After a morning make-up, for American ladies, and a morning shirt pressing, for American men, he / she (to run) to their car and (to head) to the working place. The usual working schedule (расписание) during a week (to be) from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. In the evening, he or she (to drive) home and (to start) preparing an evening meal, called dinner. The leisure time in the evening he / she (to spend) either with children, or in the night clubs with friends, or at a restaurant with a beloved person (любимый). During the weekends Americans (to go) to a church (церковь), (to visit) their relatives (to meet) with their friends, or (to do) anything else that makes them relax.

Bone apettite!

6.2. Translate the sentences paying attention to the verb tense.

1. He usually goes to the University on weekdays. 2. They sometimes learn grammar rules together. 3. The Americans often speak their own variant of English. 4. Does she generally teach English at school? 5. My cousin lives in Australia, and she does not often come to see us (навещать). Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade. 6. I work up and do my morning exercises every day. 7. Why do they make so many mistakes in their tests? 8. My parents sometimes go to the sports competitions. 9. Don't look at me like that, please. 10. We are good friends and often meet with each other.

Solve the crosswords.

По горизонтали:

По вертикали:

4. Свинина.

1. Салфетки.

5. Зелень.

2. Фасоль.

6. Морковь.

3. Пиво.

7. Помидоры.

4. Петрушка.

10. Сахар.

8. Минералка.

12. Икра.

9. Горох.

13. Горчица.

11. Хлопья.

13. Молоко

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