The organism is the highest form of unity of protein bodies capable of exchanging substances with the environment and of growing and multiplying. The organism is a historically formed, integral, continuously changing system with a specific structure and development pattern. The organism lives only under definite environmental conditions to which it is adapted and beyond which it cannot exist.
The organism is built of separate individual structures, i.e. organs, tissues, and tissue components united into a whole.
Tissues are historically formed, individual systems of the organism. They are composed of cells and their derivatives and possess specific morphophysi-ological and biochemical properties.
Рис. 1.1. Tissues are formed morphologically of cells and intercellular substance.
The integumentary or epithelial tissues are located on surfaces bordering the external environment and form the lining of the hollow organs and closed cavities of the body. The main functions of epithelium are tegumentary and secretory.
Tissues of the internal environment, or connective tissues are isolated from the external environment, they differ greatly in properties and are joined in one group on the basis of a common function.
Bone tissue is the hardest and strongest (after dental enamel) tissue in the organism.
Table 1.1. Active Vocabulary
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1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
1. What is the organism?
2. How does the organism live?
3. What is the organism build of?
4. What are tissues composed of?
5. Where are epithelial tissues located?
6. What are the main functions of epithelium?
7. How do connective tissues differ?
8. How are they joined in one group?
9. What is bone tissue?
10. What is the hardest tissue in the organism? 2. Дополните предложения.