Sterilization is necessary for the complete destruction or removal of all microorganisms (including spore-forming and non-spore-forming bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa) that could contaminate pharmaceuticals or other materials and thereby constitute a health hazard. Since the achievement of the absolute state of sterility cannot be demonstrated, the sterility of a pharmaceutical preparation can be defined only in terms of probability.
Classical sterilization techniques using saturated steam under pressure or hot air are the most reliable and should be used whenever possible. Other sterilization methods include filtration, ionizing radiation (gamma and electron-beam radiation), and gas (ethylene oxide, formaldehyde).
For products that cannot be sterilized in the final containers, aseptic processing is necessary. Materials and products that have been sterilized by one of the mentioned processes are transferred to presterilized containers and sealed, both operations being carried out under controlled aseptic conditions.
Heating in an autoclave (steam sterilization)
Exposure of microorganisms to saturated steam under pressure in an autoclave achieves their destruction by the irreversible denaturation of enzymes and structural proteins. The temperature at which denaturation occurs varies inversely with the amount of water present. Sterilization in saturated steam thus requires precise control of time, temperature, and pressure.
The recommendations for sterilization in an autoclave are 15 minutes at 121-124 °С (200 kPa).The temperature should be used to control and monitor the process; the pressure is mainly used to obtain the required steam temperature. Minimum sterilization time should be measured from the moment when all the materials to be sterilized have reached the required temperature throughout.