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Список литературы к главе 13

Внимание! Часть функций, например, копирование текста к себе в конспект, озвучивание и т.д. могут быть доступны только в режиме постраничного просмотра.Режим постраничного просмотра

1. Kehlet H. Multimodal approach to control postoperative pathophysiology and rehabilitation // Brit. J. Anaesth. 1997. Vol. 78. P. 606–617.

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3. Kehlet H., Mogensen T. Hospital stay of 2 days after open sigmoidectomy with a multimodal rehabilitation programme // Br. J. Surg. 1999. Vol. 86. P. 227–230.

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6. Gillissen F., Ament S.M., Maessen J.M. et al. Sustainability of an enhanced recovery after surgery program (ERAS) in colonic surgery // World J. Surg. 2015. Vol. 39. P. 526–533.

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13. Low D.E., Alderson D., Cecconello I. et al. International consensus on standardization of data collection for complications associated with esophagectomy: Esophagectomy Complications Consensus Group (ECCG) // Ann. Surg. 2015. Vol. 262. P. 286–294.

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15. Walters D.M., McMurry T.L., Isbell J.M. et al. Understanding mortality as a quality indicator after esophagectomy // Ann. Thorac. Surg. 2014. Vol. 98. P. 506–511.

16. Gemmill E.H., Humes D.J., Catton J.A. Systematic review of enhanced recovery after gastro-oesophageal cancer surgery // Ann. R. Coll. Surg. Engl. 2015. Vol. 97. P. 173–179.

17. Markar S.R., Karthikesalingam A., Low D.E. Enhanced recovery pathways lead to an improvement in postoperative outcomes following esophagectomy: systematic review and pooled analysis // Dis. Esophagus. 2015. Vol. 28. P. 468–475.

18. Munitiz V., Martinez-de-Haro L.F., Ortiz A. et al. Effectiveness of a written clinical pathway for enhanced recovery after transthoracic (Ivor Lewis) oesophagectomy // Br. J. Surg. 2010. Vol. 97. P. 714–718.

19. Tang J., Humes D.J., Gemmil E. et al. Reduction in length of stay for patients undergoing oesophageal and gastric resections with implementation of enhanced recovery packages // Ann. R. Coll. Surg. Engl. 2013. Vol. 95. P. 323–328.

20. Findlay J.M., Gillies R.S., Millo J. et al. Enhanced recovery for esophagectomy: a systematic review and evidencebased guidelines // Ann. Surg. 2014. Vol. 259. P. 413–431.

21. Low D.E., Allum W., De Manzoni G., Ferri L. et al. Guidelines for perioperative care in esophagectomy: enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS_) society recommendations // World J. Surg. 2019. Vol. 43. P. 299–330.

22. Bower M.R., Martin R.C. Nutritional management during neoadjuvant therapy for esophageal cancer // J. Surg. Oncol. 2009. Vol. 100. P. 82–87.

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31. Mantziari S., Gronnier C., Pasquer A. et al. Incidence and risk factors related to symptomatic venous thromboembolic events after esophagectomy for cancer // Ann. Thorac. Surg. 2016. Vol. 102. P. 979–984.

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57. Weijs T.J., Berkelmans G.H., Nieuwenhuijzen G.A. et al. Routes for early enteral nutrition after esophagectomy. A systematic review // Clin. Nutr. 2015. Vol. 34. P. 1–6.

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