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Консультант врача

Электронная медицинская библиотека

Раздел 17 / 19
Страница 1 / 1

Answer Keys

1. It is necessary to dress the wound with an occlusive bandage and call for an emergency medical team for the victim's urgent transportation to a specialized inpatient hospital. The embedded body cannot be taken off due to the possible development of pneumothorax.

2. Cut wound with venous bleeding. It is necessary to apply compression dressing for hemorrhage control and the wound sealing, elevate the extremity, apply cold on wound area, call for the emergency medical team and arrange for the quickest delivery of the victim to the hospital.

3. It is necessary to perform transporting immobilization, apply sold to the injured area and call for the emergency medical team.

4. Penetrating chest wound. It is necessary to cover the wound with sterile occlusion dressing and call for the emergency medical team for the quickest transportation of the victim to the specialized inpatient hospital.

5. It is necessary to apply compressing bandage (to stop internal hemorrhage and prevent hematoma), and cold to the damaged area; and to call for emergency medical team.

6. Suspecting fracture, it is necessary to perform transporting immobilization, apply cold to the damaged area and call for emergency medical team.

7. First of all thorough lavage the wound with water and soap during 15 minutes, or with any available antiseptic; cover the wound with sterile swabs, call for emergency medical team, arrange for the quickest transporting of the victim to specialized inpatient hospital or injury care center, antirabic centre.

8. Cut wound with arterial bleeding. It is necessary to apply compression bandage, cold and to visit injury care centre.

9. Untie the tourniquet for 10 minutes preliminary pressing the artery on its way. Then, if the bleeding keeps its intensity, reapply tourniquet, if bleeding is less intensive — apply compression dressing.

10. Splint impacts the main arteries of the extremity. It is necessary to remove the splint and make immobilization keeping all the rules, check pulse on the distal parts of the extremity after splinting.

11. Call for the emergency medical team, arrange for a stable lateral position, monitor breathing and pulse every 5 minutes until the emergency medical team arrives.

12. Suspecting burn of upper airways and poisoning with sweet damp, it is necessary to call for an emergency medical team and arrange for the earliest transportation to the specialized hospital. Until the medical specialists arrive arrange for wet air inhalation, muffle up, never leave unattended, and monitor breathing and heartbeats.

13. Cardiac arrest, vasomotor spasm. It is necessary to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ask bystanders to call for the emergency medical team.

14. Suspecting cervical spinal cord injury, it is necessary to immobilize the victim’s neck, lay him on the flat rigid surface, and call for the emergency medical team. Dress the wounded head with a sterile dressing.

15. Approximate area of burn is 27%. It is necessary to arrange for inhalation of humid air, the burns should be dressed with sterile swabs, applied with cold; the victim should be given a warm drink. Call for the emergency medical team.

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