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Электронная медицинская библиотека

Раздел 12 / 15
Страница 1 / 95


Labor is the basis and indispensable condition for the people's life. People do not only ensure their existence by changing and adapting environment to their needs but also create the conditions for the development and progress of society. Labor serves as a connecting mechanism between society and nature. With the help of labor, people can use natural resources. Labor is a purposeful collective action, the way of transmission synthesized experience from one generation to another; it is an activity to create material wealth.

In the process of labor, a person is affected by a large number of external production and non-production factors with adverse effect on his performance and health. Labor is the leading social factor on which the state of workers' health depends. Working environment is formed in the production process and determined by the type and level of technique, technology and organization of production. Creating healthy and safe working environment are the main challenge facing state's healthcare, hygiene science and clinical practice.

Industrial hygiene is a preventive science that studies working environment and nature of labor, their impact on human's health and functional condition, and develops scientific foundations and practical measures aimed to prevent harmful and dangerous effects of working factors on working population.

Industrial hygiene provides for comprehensive improvement and facilitation of working environment, measures for occupational diseases and occupational injuries elimination, decrease in incidence rate, and increase in working capacity. This section of hygienic science deals with the study of labor and working environment from the standpoint of their influence on employees' body. Industrial hygiene develops hygienic standards and preventive measures aimed to create optimal working environment and preserve health and efficiency ofboth individual employee and entire teams. For this, it is necessary to have a clear idea of social and biological essence of labor, to know well the character of the labor process and its effect on employees, to identify the

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