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  1. ABO blood group system. Wikipedia [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABO_blood_group_system Date Viewed 1.11.2022.
  2. Adetunji O., Ferdinad F., Idowu J., Ademola O. Edwards Syndrome In A Neonate From A Developing Country; Reasons For Concern: A Case Report / The Internet Journal of Third World Medicine. V. 4. N. 2. 2006 [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://ispub.com/IJTWM/4/2/4161 Date Viewed 15.09.2022.
  3. Alberts B. et al. «The Molecular biology of the cell». 6th edition: Garland Science, New York. 2015.
  4. Animal & Plant Cells (and organelles). Educational website Quizlet [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://quizlet.com/250013203/animal-plant-cells-and-organelles-flash-cards/ Date Viewed 15.09.2022.
  5. Brian Thomas Bacteria study shoots down ‘simple cell’ assumptions. [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.icr.org/article/bacteria-study-shoots-down-simple-cell/ Date Viewed 15.09.2022.
  6. Cell nucleus. Materials from Wikipedia Website. [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_nucleus Date Viewed 09.11.2022.
  7. Cellular Respiration [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.biology-pages.info/C/CellularRespiration.html Date Viewed 15.08.2019.
  8. Centrioles micrograph. Materials from Be-stylish.info website [Electronic resource]. URL.: http://be-stylish.info/centrioles-micrograph Date Viewed 02.10.2022.
  9. Charles E. Ophardt Protein Synthesis. Virtual chembook Elmhurst college [Electronic resource]. URL.: http://chemistry.elmhurst.edu/vchembook/584proteinsyn.html. Date Viewed 1.11.2022.
  10. Cilia and Flagella. Materials from Molecular Expressions Website. [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/ciliaandflagella/ciliaandflagella.html Date Viewed 26.09.2022.
  11. Cilia and Flagella [Electronic resource]. URL.: http://www.sivabio.50webs.com/microtubules.htm Date Viewed 26.09.2022.
  12. Chebyshev N.V., Grineva G.G., Kozar M.V., Gulenkov S.I. Biology (Textbook). M.: VUNMTs, 2000. P. 335. (Чебышев Н.В., Гринева Г.Г., Козарь М.В., Гуленков С.И. Биология (учебник). М.: ВУНМЦ, 2000. С. 335.
  13. Chentsov Yu.S. Introduction to cell biology: a textbook for universities / Yu.S Chentsov. 4th ed., revised. and additional. M.: ICC «Akademkniga», 2004. 495 pp.: illustration. (Ченцов Ю.С. Введение в клеточную биологию: учебник для вузов / Ю.С. Ченцов. 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. М.: ИКЦ «Академкнига», 2004. 495с.: илл.).
  14. Cri du chat syndrome. Wikipedia [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cri_du_chat_syndrome Date Viewed 30.08.2022.
  15. Communities, Ecosystems [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://karimedalla.wordpress.com/2013/04/ (the illustrative material does not contain any indication of the authors of these materials and any restrictions on their borrowing). Date Viewed 21.09.2022.
  16. Cytoskeleton Electron Micrograph. [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://proper-cooking.info/cytoskeleton-electron-micrograph Date Viewed 30.08.2022.
  17. Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.starlanguageblog.com/5-differences-between-prokaryotic-and-eukaryotic-cells/ Date Viewed 30.08.2022.
  18. Educational portal for works preparation Biology for grade 6 [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://bio6-vpr.sdamgia.ru/problem?id=29 Date Viewed 15.09.2022.
  19. Electron microscopic atlas of cells. tissues and organs in the internet: Overview nucleus (Nucleus) [Electronic resource]. URL.: http://www.drjastrow.de/WAI/EM/EMKernE.html Date Viewed 16.09.2022.
  20. Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough and Smooth). Materials from website British Society for Cell Biology [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://bscb.org/learning-resources/softcell-e-learning/endoplasmic-reticulum-rough-and-smooth/ Date Viewed 15.09.2022.
  21. Endosymbiosis and horizontal gene transfer [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/article/news/endosymbiosis-and-horizontal-gene-transfer Date Viewed 21.09.2022.
  22. Golgi apparatus. Cell of class 9. Materials from website Physics Wallah [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.pw.live/chapter-biology-class-9-cell/golgi-apparatus Date Viewed 21.09.2022.
  23. Golgi Apparatus Photographs. Science Photo Gallery — Buy Art Online [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://sciencephotogallery.com/featured/golgi-apparatus-tem-biophoto-associates.html Date Viewed 25.09.2022.
  24. Growth Charts for Children with Down Syndrome. Materials from website CDC [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/birthdefects/downsyndrome/growth-charts.html Date Viewed 21.09.2022.
  25. Images Flickr Creative Commons [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.flickr.com/ (the illustrative material does not contain any indication of the authors of these materials and any restrictions on their borrowing). Date Viewed 21.09.2022.
  26. Images for Trna Amino Acid [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://hotcore.info/babki/trna-amino-acid.htm (the illustrative material does not contain any indication of the authors of these materials and any restrictions on their borrowing) Date Viewed 21.09.2022.
  27. Images of biologyigcse website [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://biologyigcse.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/4-5-understand-the-concepts-of-food-chains-food-webs-pyramids-of-number-pyramids-of-biomass-and-pyramids-of-energy-transfer/ (the illustrative material does not contain any indication of the authors of these materials and any restrictions on their borrowing). Date Viewed 21.09.2022.
  28. Images of CDC website [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.cdc.gov/about/index.html (the illustrative material does not contain any indication of the authors of these materials and any restrictions on their borrowing). Date Viewed 21.09.2022.
  29. Ixodidae. Wikipedia [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ixodidae Date Viewed 30.08.2022.
  30. Marine food webs. Materials from Science Learning Hub Website. [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/143-marine-food-webs Date Viewed 26.09.2022.
  31. Microfilaments. Materials from Molecular Expressions Website. [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/microfilaments/microfilaments.html Date Viewed 26.09.2022.
  32. Microtubules. Materials from Molecular Expressions Website. [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/microtubules/microtubules.html Date Viewed 26.09.2022.
  33. Nucleus and ribosomes. Materials from Khan Academy Website: A personalized learning resource for all ages [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/structure-of-a-cell/prokaryotic-and-eukaryotic-cells/a/nucleus-and-ribosomes Date Viewed 26.09.2022.
  34. Pedigrees. [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://sites.google.com/site/genpopfreevochaovetim/mendel---a-more-in-depth-analysis/pedigrees (the illustrative material does not contain any indication of the authors of these materials and any restrictions on their borrowing). Date Viewed 21.09.2022.
  35. Pidwirny M. The Nitrogen and Carbon Cycle // Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition. 2006. [Electronic resource]. URL.: http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/9s.html Date Viewed 23.09.2022.
  36. Prokaryotic Cell. Educational website Quizlet [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://quizlet.com/418033241/prokaryotic-cell-labeling-diagram/ Date Viewed 15.09.2022.
  37. Protecting a developing brain from high blood phenylalanine (Phe) levels is crucial. [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.pku.com/parents-and-care-team (the illustrative material does not contain any indication of the authors of these materials and any restrictions on their borrowing). Date Viewed 21.09.2022.
  38. Solovykh G.N. Medical parasitology: textbook / G.N. Solovykh, Yu.N. Kopylov, E.K. Raimova, E.M. Nefedova, E.A. Kanunikova. — Orenburg: OSMU, 2012. 150 p. (Соловых Г.Н. Медицинская паразитология: учебник / Г.Н. Соловых, Ю.Н. Копылов, Е.К. Раимова, Е.М. Нефедова, Е.А. Кануникова. Оренбург: ОрГМУ, 2012. 150 с.).
  39. The Information in DNA Determines Cellular Function via Translation. Materials from Nature Education Website [Electronic resource]. URL.: https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/the-information-in-dna-determines-cellular-function-6523228/ Date Viewed 26.09.2022.
  40. Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome [Electronic resource]. URL.: http://medgen.genetics.utah.edu/photographs/pages/wolfhirschhorn.htm (the illustrative material does not contain any indication of the authors of these materials and any restrictions on their borrowing). Date Viewed 21.10.2022.
  41. Болезнь Шерешевского-Тернера: возможные причины, симптомы и терапия [Электронный ресурс]. URL.: https://autogear.ru/article/444/805/bolezn-shereshevskogo-ternera-prichinyi-simptomyi-i-lechenie/ (иллюстративный материал не содержит указаний на авторов этих материалов и каких-либо ограничений для их заимствования). Дата обращения 21.09.2022.
  42. Велькина Лада, Раскладка и изучение аномальных кариотипов по фотографиям больных: Методическая разработка практического занятия: Котельнич. 2014 [Электронный ресурс]. URL.: https://alllink.ru/qb6s-172/4687462/threads.ewf8u.php Дата обращения 26.09.2022.

Recommended reading

  1. Biology: lectures on biology for students of the foreign facul­ty / G.N. Solovykh, E.A. Kanunikova, L.G. Fabarisova, G.M. Tichomirova, G.F. Kolchugina. Orenburg. 2016. P. 208.
  2. Practical course of biology: guidelines for foreign students in English medium / G.N. Solovykh. Orenburg, 2019. Р. 146.
  3. Multiple choice questions and problems book on medical biology for foreign students of higher educational establishments on a medical specialty / G.N. Solovykh. Orenburg, 2019. Р. 186.

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