Рис. 1. Области тела человека. Передняя поверхность:
1 - Parietal region; 2 - Oral region; 3 - Mental region; 4 - Anterior cervical region; 5 - Region of clavicle; 6 - Palmar region; 7 - Anterior region of forearm; 8 - Anterior region of elbow; 9 - Axillary region; 10 - Pectoral region; 11 - Hypochondrium; 12 - Epigastric region; 13 - Lateral region of abdominal; 14 - Umbilical region; 15 - Inguinal region; 16 - Medial region of thigh; 17 - Anterior region of thigh; 18 - Anterior region of leg; 19 - Posterior region ol leg; 20 - Anterior talocrural region; 21 - Dorsum of foot; 22 - Heel region; 23 - Anterior region of knee; 24 - Pubic region; 25 - Dorsum of hand; 26 - Anterior region of forearm; 27 - Forearm; 28 - Posterior region of forearm; 29 - Posterior region of elbow; 30 - Anterior region of arm; 31 - Posterior region of arm; 32 - Mammary region; 33 - Infraclavicular fossa; 34 - Deltoid region; 35 - Clavipectoral triangle; 36 - Lateral cervical region; 37 - Sternocleidomastoid region; 38 - Nasal region; 39 - Temporal region; 40 - Orbit; 41 - Frontal region
Рис. 2. Области тела человека. Задняя поверхность:
1 - Frontal region; 2 - Orbit; 3 - Zygomatic region; 4 - Buccal region; 5 - Submandibular triangle; 6 - Acromial region; 7 - Interscapular region; 8 - Deltoid region; 9 - Scapular region; 10 - Lateral pectoral region; 11 - Posterior region of arm; 12 - Posterior region of elbow; 13 - Hypochondrium; 14 - Posterior region of forearm; 15 - Anterior region of forearm; 16 - Palmar region; 17 - Gluteal region; 18 - Heel region; 19 - Plantar region; 20 - Dorsum of foot; 21 - Anterior region of leg; 22 - Posterior region ol leg; 23 - Posterior region of knee; 24 - Posterior region of thigh; 25 - Anal triangle; 26 - Sacral region; 27 - Lateral region of abdominal; 28 - Lumbar region; 29 - Infrascapular region; 30 - Vertebral region; 31 - Anterior region of arm; 32 - Dorsum of hand; 33 - Suprascapular region; 34 - Posterior cervical region; 35 - Sternocleidomastoid region; 36 - Occipital region; 37 - Parietal region; 38 - Temporal region