только для медицинских специалистов

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Электронная медицинская библиотека

Раздел 6 / 10
Страница 1 / 15

Unit IV. Body systems: the respiratory system


Task 1.

A. Study the names of the organs of the respiratory system in the following scheme.

B. Match each term on the left (1-8) with the correct definition on the right (a-h):

1) - b2) - _; 3) - _; 4) - _; 5) - _; 6) - _; 7) - _; 8) - _.

Task 2.

A. Read and translate the following international words: adequate, atmosphere, atom, bacteria, bronchus, classify,

corridor, dioxide, elastic, embryo, function, gas, genetic, material, mechanism, million, pneumonia, radioactive, temperature, virus.

B. Translate the word combinations (n+n) given below:

body temperature_

blood system_

blood vessel_

air passage_

air sacs_

human embryo_

nerve supply_

surface area_

C. Define the suffixes in the given word and translate them. (If you know the meanings of suffixes you can easily recognize parts of speech).

bronchus - bronchial

embryo - embryological

function - functional - functionally

gas - gaseous

respiration - respiratory

D. Find in a dictionary and write the plural forms for the following nouns:



E. Translate the sentences below:

1. There are about 300 million alveoli in the lungs.

2. Around each alveolus is a network of capillaries.

3. Each alveolus is a tiny little pocket of air.

4. The pulmonary alveoli contain networks of extremely small vessels.

5. Bronchi branch into smaller and smaller tubes.

6. Each bronchus divides into bronchial tubes.

7. The nuclei of radioactive atoms emit alpha or beta rays.

8. A nucleus is the part of a cell that contains the genetic material.

9. Most atomic nuclei contain neutrons, which have no electric charge.

Task 3.

A. Study Grammar note 1 to do task 3B.

B. Translate the following word-combinations with the Past Participle as an attribute:

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