Рис. 556. Сосочки языка (А, Б - желобовидные; В - нитевидные; Г - грибовидный; Д - листовидные):
1 - Filiform papillae; 2 - Vallate papillae; 3 - Fungiform papillae; 4 - Epithelium mucosae; 5 - Lingual aponeurosis; 6 - Muscles of tongue; 7 - Tip of papilla; 8 - Connective tissue; 9 - Serous gland; 10 - Serous gland, excretory duct; 11 - Taste bud; 12 - Wall of papilla; 13 - Papilla; 14 - Sulcus; 15 - Foliate papillae; 16 - Excretory duct of gland
Рис. 557. Области иннервации языка:
1 - Facial nerve [VII], chorda tympani; 2 - Glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]; 3 - Vagus nerve [X]; 4 - Trigeminal nerve [V], lingual nerve
Рис. 558. Области иннервации нёба:
1 - Uvula; 2 - Soft palate; 3 - Hard palate; 4 - Nasopalatine nerve; 5 - Maxillary nerve; Maxillary division [Vb; V2], anterior superior alveolar branches; 6 - Maxillary nerve; Maxillary division [Vb; V2], posterior superior alveolar branches; 7 - Palatine nerves
Рис. 559. Вкусовая чувствительность языка:
1 - Vagus nerve [X]; 2 - Glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]; 3 - Trigeminal nerve [V], lingual nerve
Рис. 560. Вкусовые пути:
1 - Vagus nerve [X], inferior ganglion; 2 - Glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]; 3 - Epiglottis; 4 - Vagus nerve [X]; 5 - Lingual nerve; 6 - Chorda tympani; 7 - Glossopharyngeal nerve [IX], inferior ganglion; 8 - Geniculate ganglion; 9 - Facial nerve [VII]; 10 - Oval nucleus; 11 - Posterior trigeminothalamic tract; Dorsal trigeminothalamic tract; 12 - Insula; Insular lobe; 13 - Postcentral gyrus; 14 - Ventral posteromedial nucleus; 15 - Posterior tegmental nucleus; Dorsal tegmental nucleus; 16 - Medial parabrachial nucleus; 17 - Gustatory part; 18 - Nuclei of solitary tract; Solitary nuclei; 19 - Posterior nucleus of vagus nerve; Dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve; 20 - Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve