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The rendering of medical care for TB patients in the Russian Federation is guaranteed by the state. Medical care is carried out on the basis of principles of legality, observance of the rights of individual and citizen, free of charge, accessibility, during their voluntary appeal or with their consent. However, the outpatient observation of TB is organized, regardless of TB patient consent or of their legal representatives.

The treatment of tuberculosis is regulated by the relevant orders and guidance approved by health authorities. These documents define the goals of treatment of tuberculosis, criteria of its effectiveness, and the principles of standard schemes of chemotherapy. Today the modern standard schemes of chemotherapy of tuberculosis have been approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Health from December 29, 2014 N 951 ?On approval of recommendations for improving the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis of respiratory organs?.

The goal of treatment of adults with tuberculosis is eliminating the clinical pattern of the disease and stable healing of TB manifestations with rehabilitation work and social status.

The purpose of treatment of tuberculosis in children is the absence of residual or minimal manifestations. In some patients to achieve these goals is impossible, since there are objective limits of treatment. In these cases, it is necessary to achieve an extension of the patient?s life, improve the physical condition, possible termination or reduction of MBT expectoration, and restoring partial work capacity.

Criteria of the TB efficiency treatment:

• the disappearance of clinical and laboratory signs of tubercular inflammation;

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