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Грамматика: cлучаи употребления should и would. Союзы и союзные слова. Признаки сказуемого.



I. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: power ['раυə] п власть, сила; мощь; держава population [,pɒpju'leiʃn] n население quality ['kwɒliti] n качество government ['gAvənmənt] n правительство standard of public health уровень здравоохранения mortality [mɔ:'tfliti] n смертность citizen ['sitizn] n гражданин expense [ik'spens] n стоимость; затрата, расход; at the expense of за счет equip [i'kwip] v оборудовать ambulance ['fmbjuləns] n машина скорой помощи lifespan ['laifspfn] n продолжительность жизни pollution [pə'lu:ʃn] n загрязнение noise [nɔiz] n шум

II. Образуйте глаголы от следующих существительных. Переведите существительные и глаголы:

service, protection, prevention, extension, government, pollution, requirement, equipment.

III. Определите, в каких предложениях выделенные слова являются предлогами и в каких союзами. По каким признакам вы определите это?

1. During the years the standard of public health has been gradually becoming better in our country. 2. The doctor often visited her patients in their homes for she wanted to know their environmental conditions. 3. Great research work has been carried out on the structure of the cell since it is the basic unit of all living matter. 4. After an attack of a severe cardiac pain the patient was carried to the hospital by ambulance. 5. After extensive health measures were taken the lifespan of the population of our country increased.

6. Vaccination is used for prevention of some infections diseases. 7. Before the patient with myocardial infarction is admitted to the hospital the ambulance doctor gives him an injection to relieve a sharp cardiac pain.

IV. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

1. Thanks to extensive preventive measures the mortality rate has considerably decreased in our country. 2. In some industrial countries the incidence of lung cancer has increased because of the pollution of air with cancerogenic substances. 3. A call is made to the First Aid Station in case of any emergency. 4. It has been determined that some disturbances of the nervous system are due to the extensive traffic (уличное движение) noise in large cities.

5. According to the State system of Public Health numerous sanatoriums and rest houses provide our population with qualified medical aid.

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