Appendix 1. What Is Included in Modern First Aid Kit?
1. Dressings and means of temporary bleeding control:
• blood stopping tourniquet - 1 pc;
• unsterile roller bandage 5m × 5cm - 2;
• unsterile roller bandage 5 cm × 10 cm - 2;
• unsterile roller bandage 7 cm × 14 cm - 1;
• unsterile roller bandage 5 m × 7 cm - 2;
• sterile roller bandage 5 m × 7 cm - 2;
• sterile roller bandage 5 m × 10 cm - 2;
• sterile roller bandage 7 m × 14 cm - 1;
• first-aid pack - 1;
• sterlie gauze swabs 16×14 c No 10 - 1 pac.;
• antiseptic band-aid 4 cm × 10 cm - 2;
• antiseptic band-aid 1.9 cm × 7.2 cm - 10;
• sticking plaster 1 cm - 250 cm - 1.
2. "Mouth-to-Mouth" ventilation device - 1
3. Additionaly:
• Medical gloves (minimal size "M") - 1 pair;
• Scisors - 1;
• Instruction to first aid kit use - 1;
• Case - 1.
Fig. 1. Example first aid kit (a)
Fig. 1. Equipment of first aid kits (b)
Appendix 2. Automated External Defibrillator
Automated external defibrillator is a first aid device for restoration of cardiac cycle in course of cardiopulmonary rescusitation.
Curremtly automated external defibrillator are available in many public places (Fig. 2). This gives a chance to use defibrillation before professional help arrives. Many stages in automated external defibrillator are automated
Fig. 2. Modern automated external defibrillator (Liddle R. et al., 2009)
and are accomanied by voice instructions after the device is switched on. All you need is to connect the electrodes to the victim's chest cage (Fig. 3). The first-aider should follow the device's voice instructions and complete them with no delay. In case of unsucsessful attempt it is required to keep on automated external defibrillator for about 1 minute, then defibrillator would instruct the first-aider to stop indirect heart massage for some time in order to assess the rhythm and restart defibrillation. The breakes between chest compression and rhythm analysis and defibrillation should be as shrt as possible.