Рис. 5. Скелет человека, вид спереди: 1 - Frontal bone; 2 - Orbit; 3 - Maxilla; 4 - Mandible; 5 - Clavicle; 6 - Scapula; 7 - Humerus; 8 - Arm; 9 - Sacrum [sacral vertebrae SI-SV]; 10 - Ulna; 11 - Radius; 12 - Forearm; 13 - Coccyx [coccygeal vertebrae CoI-CoIV]; 14 - Carpal bones; 15 - Metacarpals [I-V]; 16 - Phalanges; 17 - Hand; 18 - Patella; 19 - Tibial tuberosity; 20 - Fibula; 21 - Tibia; 22 - Talus; 23 - Navicular; 24 - Cuneiform bone; 25 - Cuboid; 26 - Metatarsal [I]; 27 - Proximal phalanx; 28 - Middle phalanx; 29 - Distal phalanx; 30 - Phalanges; 31 - Metatarsals [I-V]; 32 - Tarsal bones; 33 = 30 + 31 + 32 - Foot; 34 - Leg; 35 - Femur; Thigh bone; 36 - Pubis; 37 - Pubic symphysis; 38 - Thigh; 39 - Ischium; 40 - Ilium; 41 - Xiphoid process; 42 - Body of sternum; 43 - Manubrium of sternum; 44 - Greater tubercle; 45 - Lesser tubercle; 46 - Acromion; 47 - Coracoid process
Рис. 6. Скелет человека, вид сзади: 1 - Atlas [CI]; 2 - Axis [CII]; 3 - Scapula; 4 - Spine of scapula; 5 - Acromion; 6 - Humerus; 7 - Iliac crest; 8 - Olecranon; 9 - Head of radius; 10 - Acetabulum; 11 - Ulna; 12 - Radius; 13 - Ulnar styloid process; 14 - Pisiform; 15 - Head of femur; 16 - Sacrum [sacral vertebrae SI-SV]; 17 - Linea aspera; 18 - Medial condyle; 19 - Lateral condyle; 20 - Head of fibula; 21 - Head of tibia; 22 - Medial malleolus; 23 - Lateral malleolus; 24 - Talus; 25 - Calcaneus; 26 - Tibia; 27 - Fibula; 28 - Lesser trochanter; 29 - Neck of femur; 30 - Greater trochanter; 31 - Hamate; 32 - Triquetrum; 33 - Capitate; 34 - Trapezoid; 35 - Trapezium; 36 - Scaphoid; 37 - Lunate; 38 - Vertebral column; 39 - Head of humerus; 40 - Occipital bone; 41 - Parietal bone
Рис. 7. Позвоночный столб (А - вид спереди, Б - вид сзади): 1 - Anterior sacral foramina; 2 - Coccyx [coccygeal vertebrae CoI-CoIV]; 3 - Sacrum [sacral vertebrae SI-SV]; 4 - Posterior sacral foramina; 5 - Lumbar vertebrae [LI-LV]; 6 - Transverse process; 7 - Thoracic vertebrae [ТhI-ТhXII]; 8 - Spinous process; 9 - Cervical vertebrae [CI-СVII]; 10 - Axis [CII]; 11 - Atlas [CI]